Welcome to Fond du Lac Morning Rotary

President's Welcome
Welcome to the Fond du Lac Morning Rotary Club,
My journey with Rotary started 15 years ago with a desire to give back and today that passion continues. The very first time I heard the 4-Way Test of Things We Think, Say and Do, I knew I found an organization that rang true to my values. From that day forward the Four-Way Test has continued to guide my life, both personally and professionally. Our club is one of over 46,000+ Rotary Clubs worldwide that live by the Four-Way Test:
Is it the TRUTH?
Is it FAIR to ALL Concerned?
Will it be BENEFICIAL to ALL Concerned?
The second thing that moved me upon my first visit to a Fond du Lac Morning Rotary meeting, was the incredible feeling I left with! I am NOT typically one for a 7am meeting! However, the optimism, vibe and ‘can do’ attitude of this club and its members is unparalleled! I’ve had the privilege of working alongside incredible individuals in our club, many of whom continue to inspire me.
Our morning club was established in 1990 with 30 charter members. Today our morning club and evening satellite club have grown to over 80 members strong.
Service is the reason people join Rotary. They want to make a difference and we offer a full range of opportunities. Volunteerism is an example of our living the Rotary Motto of “Service Above Self”.
Our current projects include:
Literacy Programs: Read4Life; Mirrors, Windows and Sliding Glass Doors; Rotary Reader; Birthday Books and Backpacks for School.
Service Work: Through organizations like the Salvation Army, Food Pantry, Sleep in Heavenly Peace, to name a few.
Fundraising Efforts: Through our work at Walleye Weekend and our Wine Around the World event we are able contribute to organizations in need, fund human trafficking training and international water projects. In our 33 years, our dynamic, energetic, and fun group of individuals have given back nearly $1,000,000 to causes and organizations in our community and around the world.
Friendship Exchanges: Promoting Peace and Goodwill throughout the world.
Rotarians find a lot of value in membership! Along with the camaraderie, members have the ability to develop both professionally and personally through Rotary Action Groups, Rotary Fellowships and our On-Line Learning Center.
This year, our international Rotary theme is “The Magic of Rotary”.
"The Magic is in Rotarians combining our burning need to change ourselves and to change the world." – Rotary International President, Stephanie Urchick
I invite you to explore our website and Facebook page to learn more about the incredible work we do. If our mission resonates with you, I encourage you to consider joining us. Attend one of our meetings (see Calendar), participate in a service project, engage in conversations with our members, and reach out for more information. I can be reached personally at christine.fdlmrotary@gmail.com or 920-948-6533 with any questions that you may have.
I warmly welcome you to become a Rotarian and discover the Magic of Rotary!
Christine M Schiek

2024-2025 President
Fond du Lac Morning Rotary Club
Hwy. 45 South
Fond du Lac, WI 54935
United States of America